One of the most important jobs we can do for our children is to help develop their social skills as parents, is to show them how to interact and treat others in a polite manner and with respect.
Parents love their children unconditionally and want to see them grow up and lead successful, happy lives. Whether your child becomes a doctor, lawyer, teacher, office clerk or a home executive, your child needs to learn life skills to become eloquent, self-sufficient, diligent, and responsible members of society.
The baseline for achieving these habitual skills in social opportunities is respect and manners. The most effective way of teaching these concepts is through an adult role model, and no one fits this role more perfectly than a child's parents.
Setting boundaries teaches children that the world does not revolve around them and consider others with their actions.
By allowing your child to do whatever they want, without consequences, you set your child up for failure later as children need to learn that respect is earned. People need to treat others with respect to earn respect.
"Bratty behaviour" and back talk are becoming more common these days that it can be easy to "roll one's eyes" when your children call each other names or have the last word when you give an instruction.
A child, however, who can speak that way to his family may come to believe it is okay to be rude to other people too. Therefore, parents must respond to the behaviour immediately.
Make it clear that no matter how annoyed your child may be, it is never acceptable for them to lash out at another person.
Part of teaching respect is teaching our children that we say we are sorry when we make mistakes.
It shows that we care enough about the person disrespected to take responsibility for our mistakes.
Using the 'magic words" – Please and Thank you is a foundation of good manners.
By saying please and thank you, your child acknowledges a mutual exchange going on - a give-and-take. They eventually learn the concept of giving and taking and not expect the world on a silver platter by going through these motions.
Hello, goodbye, how are you, showing your child how to greet people properly? A great way to teach your children is to role play with them.
How to look people in the eye, shake hands etc.,
Good sportsmanship by learning to be gracious when competing teaches your child not to gloat when they win and others lose.
It is an essential skill for children later in life when they work with others at work or home.
Not interrupting but instead waiting for your turn to talk, a real challenge for younger children.
Children are naturally self-centred, and it is essential to remind them to wait until someone has finished speaking before interrupting.
Using a visual reminder in the home can help, i.e. everyone at home only talks when they have the 'stuffed toy' – and then they know it is their turn to speak.
Engaging with people instead of just staring at a screen. Children often use tech media devices and keep using them when they are with friends or grownups.
Turning off the TV or reducing screen time is an excellent idea in general, to improve children's health, behaviour, among other benefits.
Never use foul language by reminding your child to speak to people like they want to be spoken to.
It means not using rude remarks like 'shut up' or speaking in an unfriendly tone.
Do not call people mean names or not make fun of anyone for any reason.
Teaching empathy is crucial to enable your child to get into the habit of noticing those who might be in need.
Set a good example. Your child will, of course, learn by watching. It is vital to ensure our behaviour is on point.
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and Do not pick your nose in public.
When an adult asks you for a favour, do it without grumbling and with a smile.
